The Selfish Programmer

October 01, 2007 at 01:18 AM | categories: python, oldblog | View Comments

I have the distinct pleasure of chairing the EBU Open Source workshop later today, having been invited to do so and give the opening welcome/talk. For a while I've been wracking my brains about "how do you open a workshop on open source where there's going to be a lot said on a lot of interesting topics without prejudging them or jumping the gun?". I decided therefore to do the only thing you can - to talk about what it means to me, why I develop open source, and what speaks to me. After all, many people distrust the concept of "something for nothing" (even though that's not really what open source is!).

One thing that speaks to me is the IBM advert for Linux from a few years ago. I was stunned at the time at them getting such a good metaphor. (In the slides where it says (video) it's referring to this advert)


The Selfish


EBU Open Source Workshop

Michael Sparks
Senior Research Engineer
BBC Research


Open source software is created when

someone cares about a problem enough to

do something about it.



Open source is created when someone

shares their solution to a problem in a way

that allows others to solve more problems.



By giving back code patches you gain better

code. By giving back documentation you get

better software.



We want to solve the problem easily

We want to lighten the load, for all

We give and in turn receive



We're teaching the software to be more useful.

It stays adaptable to us, adaptable by us.

Software parts, not upgrades




Be Selfish

Take the code, see if it works for you, what have you got to lose?

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